These are uncertain times. We’re heading into the unknown as a team, as a nation. But that doesn’t mean everything is beyond our control. Over the last few weeks, as things have shifted rapidly and we’ve felt increasingly unmoored, it’s been helpful to take stock of what is happening, how this impacts our work and what we can proactively do to support each other and the sectors we work in.
As a small, non-profit arts organisation with a core team of seven people (plus our wonderful freelancers!), we’ve felt the huge impact of current events.
We can no longer run our face-to-face workshops.
Our partner galleries are closed, while our audience sits at home, fragmented.
The large-scale events we had planned for Spring are prohibited… for now.
In a way, our small size affords us some agility and speed of action. At the same time, it can feel like we’re at the foot of a very large mountain. So, we’re taking it one step at a time.
Here are five things we’re focusing on right now. We’re sharing these ideas in the hope they may help other teams like us start to scale their own mountain.