Digital technology is both entering into the human body and extending it beyond its bounds. This network of bodies, an offshoot of both surveillance and entertainment technologies, is calling upon us to seek out the very limits of the ‘plásmata’ (Greek for creatures) that we ourselves create and actually are.
How do we understand gender within a digital setting? How do we see our own selves in the reflections we ourselves create? What does disability mean, or the extension of our abilities? How do pharmaceutical and medical technologies help mold our intentions? And what sorts of bodies does a machine imagine, and how can it make them?
Taking place in Pedion tou Areos Park setting – a space that started out as an army training ground before becoming a recreation ground for the city’s inhabitants – this exhibition speaks about the body not just as the locus of subjectivity, but also as the field of identitive, political, and social conflict, as the core of both pleasure and pain, and ultimately of our very existence.