(This article was originally published in 2012)
A collection of writings from the 2012 FutureEverything Festival
(This article was originally published in 2012)
FutureEverybody consists of short essays by participants in the FutureEverything 2012 festival and an overview of the festival and conference programme by the curators.
These offer reflections on the FutureEverybody theme, the art and design projects in the festival, and the issues and initiatives presented within the conference.
A new participatory culture is changing our world. New forms of creativity and community occur through individuals coming together in arbitrary ways online. FutureEverybody looks anew at the ways in which people participate and co-operate are changing in a massively networked world. FutureEverybody was prompted by 2012′s celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Mass Observation Movement and the UN International Year of Co-operatives.
Editors: Drew Hemment , Charlie Gere
Publisher: FutureEverything, 2012
About FutureEverything Publications
Each year FutureEverything proposes, develops and responds to particular themes. These themes are provocations, designed to open up a space for debate and practice, made tangible through art and design projects. FutureEverything Publications seek to contribute to an international dialogue around these themes.
Hemment, D., Gere, C eds (2012) FutureEverybody. FutureEverything: Manchester, UK.